Welcome !
On this website you will find information to:
- Understand the diabetic foot complication
- Learn how to prevent diabetic foot
- Identify the alarm signs
- Know how to proceed when a wound appears on your foot
amputations since the beginning of the year
causes a foot
every 20 seconds1
1 in 4 people
with diabetes
will develop a
foot ulcer2
But don't worry ...
…could be
There are 4 things you can do to prevent it:
1. Whiting, D. R., Guariguata, L., Weil, C., and Shaw, J. 2011. “IDF Diabetes Atlas: Global Estimates of the Prevalence of Diabetes for 2011 and 2030.” Diabetes Res. Clin. Pract. 94 (3): 311-21.
2. Setacci C, de Donato G, Setacci F, Chisci E. Diabetic patients: epidemiology and global impact. J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino). 2009 Jul, 50(3) : 263-73
3. Boulton AJM. The diabetic foot. Diabet Med 2006;34:87-90
4. International Diabetes Federation Atlas – 9th edition 2019: page 89.
When it comes to diabetic foot, every day counts